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Education that Empowers

The earth's natural systems and climate are degrading faster than ever before. Wildlife habitat is in decline and many species are under immense pressure. Science has reached a clear consensus on the threats facing the planet, but there is a significant gap between scientific knowledge and the broader social change needed to address these issues. 


Through its Global Initiatives, EPI aims to minimize that divide. EPI funds and delivers educational programming for the local communities at all of its field sites with a focus on science, wildlife conservation, and social & emotional development.  


Youth are undervalued as an asset in the pursuit of systematic change, but they're essential as leaders on climate and community action. They hold the keys to the future.

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Protect the planet

and build a brighter future.

The EPI Methodology

How does EPI empower youth to see themselves as leaders capable of inspiring change on global environmental issues? By providing immersive educational programming that produces real conservation outcomes, fosters a scientific mindset, and cultivates a love of nature. 

A Sustainable 


EPI deepens its impact through strategic programming. Leadership programs provide alumni a platform to engage with environmental issues and policies. Professional development programs improve classroom science education, and institutional partnerships bridge the divide between researchers and local communities.

Taking Action

Teens care about environmental issues like climate change, and EPI provides the skills and focus they need to take meaningful action. Successful student-led initiatives on a host of environmental issues show that EPI's Global Initiatives are making a lasting impact. 

Program Results

Conserving habitat. Inspiring leaders.

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