Travel to the Pacuare Reserve
and visit us
Imagine a place hidden in the dense tropical forest along Costa Rica's Caribbean Sea, surrounded by ocean and canals, only accessible by boat. An off-the-grid oasis with no electricity, crowds, or distractions, allowing you to experience the incredible wildlife, landscape, and people of a magical place without interruption. This is the Pacuare Reserve experience.
The Reserve is a wildlife haven and conservation research site offering one-of-a-kind activities and accommodations for solo travelers, couples, ecotourists, families, and anyone else looking for unique travel adventures. If you're searching for a hidden getaway and the chance to engage with and protect the incredible wildlife of Costa Rica, this the experience for you!
Your choices for accommodation at The Reserve include the Casa Grande Eco Lodge, which houses five rooms and a massive balcony offering prime views of the sea and wildlife of the surrounding tropical forest. Casa Baulas is a separate beachfront bungalow with two bedrooms and a small living area, ideal for families on vacation with children. Traveling with a group? Several rustic cabins are also available at The Reserve. Check out our top-rated booking.com reviews!
Our rates include:
Boat transportation from a dock near Matina
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Census and night tour to observe sea turtles and participate in research gathering (March-August)
Daily guided rainforest hikes
Visit to the agami heron sanctuary (May – September)
Wildlife boat tour through the canals
An introduction to The Reserve's natural history

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Activity Highlights:
On the beach you may encounter a larger-than-life, 800-pound female leatherback sea turtle, or a nest of tiny hatchlings ready to take on the open sea. You'll tag along with research assistants from all over the world as they collect the data that contributes to preserving vulnerable sea turtle species.
Back in the tropical forest, knowledgeable staff will guide you along jungle trails where you'll observe and learn about some of Costa Rica's iconic wildlife, including monkeys, sloths, tropical birds, and eye-catching lizards. The rare and beautiful agami heron also nests seasonally in a small lagoon within The Reserve, the only known nesting colony in Central America, and one of only a few accessible nesting sites in the world.
Wildlife Conservation & Research at
Pacuare Reserve
Pacuare Reserve, established in 1989, is situated on Costa Rica's Caribbean Coast. In 2015, following a fifteen-year partnership with Ecology Project International, Pacuare Reserve's founder, John Denham made Ecology Project International the stewards of the almost 2,000 acres of tropical forest and coastline.
What was once logged for timber or grazed by cattle is now protected for a wide variety of wildlife seeking haven in the region. In addition to the iconic leatherback sea turtle, Pacuare Reserve is home to more than 2,700 species of plants and animals (and counting). Among the more than 200 species of birds, 32 species of bats, and 6 species of feline, there are many rare, threatened, or endangered animals, offering myriad potential for ground-breaking conservation research.
EPI’s research staff are currently focused on four key species and are partnering with more international research institutions each year to study the incredible flora and fauna of the reserve—and how to protect it in perpetuity.

Sea Turtle Conservation In Pacuare Reserve
EPI’s Pacuare Reserve has the longest-running leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) conservation program in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica, and its impact continues to grow. Due to the history, success, and investment in this program, Pacuare Reserve is being sought out by the sea turtle community and government agencies for project development, training, and scientific-technical support.
This year, the global conservation status of the leatherback turtle went from Vulnerable to Endangered on the IUCN Red List of threatened species. As the only beach in Costa Rica that has not shown a negative trend in leatherback populations, Pacuare Reserve’s importance to their survival is critical.
Felines, Primates & Agami Herons
Pacuare Reserve is a uniquely forested tract of land amidst the deforestation of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. The Reserve has become a haven for thousands of animal and plant species, including at least six Central American feline species, three of the four species of primates found in Costa Rica, and more than 200 bird species, including the elusive agami heron.
EPI’s Pacuare Reserve is seasonal home to the largest breeding and nesting colony of agami heron (Agamia agami) in Costa Rica, and the only one on the Caribbean side of the country. Twice a week, EPI researchers and visitors visit the colony to collect data from behind a blind. Their research is beginning to populate the sparse body of data on this stunning species.
You can contribute to real-life scientific data collection from home by joining the Pacuare Reserve Zooniverse Camera Trap Project.

Community In Pacuare
Pacuare Reserve supports communities as they move away from traditional practices of turtle egg harvesting and hunting, reducing local residents’ need to move to the Central Valley of Costa Rica for employment opportunities.
The Reserve aims to hire more staff from the local community, focusing on areas closest to the Reserve: Pacuare, Matina, and Bataan. The Reserve is proud to share that more than 70% of staff are from Costa Rica's Caribbean slope, including Pacuare, Matina, Bataan, Limon, and Turrialba.