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Desert & Coastal Ecology


  • Investigate desert ecology

  • Explore the marine diversity of Baja's Gulf of California

  • Learn about green initiatives at EPI's sustainable campus

Life on the edge of the desert demands sustainability, and a culture of conservation has taken root in Baja. EPI’s field campus in La Paz is an ideal setting to learn about sustainable living and community education. Explore the fascinating intersection between desert and marine ecology and the human environment in this culturally immersive course. 

EPI’s Student & Teacher Expeditions are tailored for student groups of 12-20 participants accompanied by their teacher and an additional chaperone. Whether students are busy collecting data alongside scientists or a team building exercise back at camp, these programs will help participants grow a deeper understanding of the scientific process and the natural world.


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Your Fieldwork

From Desert Sand to Sea

You’ll explore the desert ecosystems around La Paz and the Sierra Cacachilas, observing the resilient flora and fauna that thrive in this arid region. In the aquamarine waters of the Gulf, you’ll practice your snorkeling skills, conduct an underwater tropical fish survey, and contribute to a coral reef restoration project. 


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Partner Profile

Ramiro Arcos is a marine biologist and PhD candidate at the Center for Biological Research of the Northwest (CIBNOR). Now working with Red de Observadores Ciudadanos (ROC), a local organization tasked with protecting the ecosystem health of the Bay of La Paz, Ramiro manages a database of data to track changes in the Bay of La Paz and Gulf of California. With experience in community-based monitoring and science communication, Ramiro is working with organizations like EPI to collect data which helps guide management decisions related to the protection of La Paz's water resources.

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